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Dick & Jenny
23 September 2008 15:46 | Erinvale SA
Dear Malaika, Jenny and I were so sorry to hear about the break-in you had in the clinic last night. Don't let this get you down because you are a far too positive person to be negatively influenced by scumbags whose only aim in life is to destroy other peoples property. It is incidents like these that make you realise that you are well on your way to become a great success otherwise they would not have targeted your premises. Keep up the good work, your dad must be so proud of you. Kind regards, Dick & Jenny Wensing
23 September 2008 16:11 | Stonebridge Farm, SA
My dear Dorise and Malaika – this is really very sad news indeed! I simply cannot understand the reasoning behind this disgraceful action! One can hardly believe that it can happen in a sophisticated country like Germany ! What a disgrace! How very sad for Malaika -- I know how very hard she has been working to get her practice up and running -- I also know the cost of medical equipment! And to think that ALL her working equipment is destroyed !! This is definitely someone who is threatened by her success and feels the need to close her down! Fortunately [and we know her inner strength] she is a girl with spiritual as well as immense courage and I, for one, know that she will be made even stronger by this dreadful crime --- please tell Malaika that she is in my very positive thoughts and that I sincerely hope that the police find the person/s responsible for this heinous Crime! Bless her and also everything that she stands for and is proudly handling in her excellent dental practice! Lotsaluv Jeanne
Ank + Adam Evers
23 September 2008 16:47 | Somerset West, SA
Malaika Hearing about the vandalism in your practice do not forget that there are things much more important.... Your Luck..Your health and the fact that you found the right guy who can make you happy for the rest of your life. All other things are not that important on the long run. Also know that many friends of you and your mother stick to you and know that you will overcome...... Hugs from Adam and Ank
23 September 2008 17:00 | Neubiberg
Liebe Malaika, da fehlen einem ja die Worte! Ich denke mal, da kommt alles zusammen: Dummheit, Neid, Hass, Primitivität und Kleingeistigkeit. Menschen, die so etwas tuen, müssen doch krank sein. Wir fühlen mit Dir. Wie muss Dir zu Mute sein? Du schaffst einen Neuanfang. Ganz sicher. Kopf hoch! Sabine, Katja, Florian und Karl-Heinz
Paul Gotzens
23 September 2008 20:01 |
Hallo Malaika, gerade höre ich über deine Mutter vom dem dummen Vandalismusattentat auf Deine Praxis.... es ist sehr sehr traurig wie Neid und Missgunst den einzelnen Menschen verändern kann..... wer auch immer Dir schaden wollte, der macht Dich nur stärker auf dem Weg. Trage den Kopf hoch und gehe Deinen Weg weiter. Du wirst es schaffen, da bin ich mir sicher. Wann immer Du einen Rat brauchst, rufe mich an. Paul
George + Jenny
23 September 2008 22:00 | Blackburn, Great Britain
Hi Dorise, Bastards, how sick can one get, simply despair at times at just how rotten people can be to each other. Makes me think of the dog owner who said "the more people he knew the more he loved his dog !!!!!" Malaika is a battler and she will not be beaten by this setback. Please send her our love along with this message, we do not have her email address. Love George & Jenny
23 September 2008 22:04 | Kleve
Dinge einfach zu zerstören, ist NICHTS worauf man stolz sein kann.... Aber Dinge wieder aufzubauen und sich nicht unterkriegen lassen, DARAUF kann man stolz sein.... Malaika, Du schaffst das
23 September 2008 22:23 | Kleve
Liebe Dorise, gerade habe ich Deine mail gefunden und kann kaum glauben, was passiert ist. Das tut mir furchtbar leid für Malaika, die im letzten Jahr so unglaublich viel geleistet hat und sich dabei zu so einer überzeugenden jungen Frau und Ärztin entwickelt hat und, wie ich am Samstagabend sah, dabei noch hübscher geworden ist. Können wir helfen? Ich habe schon an Bianca geschrieben, denn von Malaika habe ich keine mail Adresse. Wenn Du wieder auf den Berg kletterst, um Euren Schutzengel in Bewegung zu setzen, begleiten Dich meine Gedanken! Liebe Grüße, Gaby
23 September 2008 22:27 | Erinvale
Dear Dorise, just received your mail - how awful for Malaikas to have something like this happen. I don't have her e-mail address so please give her our best wishes for a speedy resolution so that she can get back to work and we hope the police catch the culprits. Marion
24 September 2008 07:26 | Kleve
Liebe Patienten, liebe Freunde. Ich werde alles daran setzen den von Euch / Ihnen so "ungeliebten" Bohrer schnellst möglich wieder schwingen zu können. Macht Euch bitte keine Sorgen. Danke für all die guten Wünsche! 570 Einträge im Gästebuch |